Storm Thorenson

Born in Potters Bar in February 1944, Storm Thorenson has been almost exclusively behind virtually all of Pink Floyd's album artwork.

His relationship with the band extends all the way back to childhood. They met as schoolboys while studying at the Cambridge High School for Boys. Storm’s mother was even close friends with Roger Waters’ mother. One can say therefore that their relationship stretches back a long way.

After graduating from the Royal College of Arts with a Masters of Arts degree he formed Hypgnosis in 1968 with Aubrey Powell. Roger Waters commissioned Hypgnosis to design the artwork for their 2nd album, also in 1968, A Saucerful of Secrets. His relationship with the band begun in professional earnest then and was to last until Pink Floyd had essentially disbanded and Storm passed away.

Storm’s photographic style was largely surreal in nature. Taking elements out of their normal context and applying them into unusual environments, often using large open spaces. It suited Pink Floyd's style of their compositions. Disturbing, quirky, spacious and diverse.

His work wasn’t limited to Pink Floyd’s commissions alone though. In fact, in excess of 100 clients commissioned Storm to design their album covers resulting in excess of 270 pieces of work. Pink Floyd, though, accounted for the largest demand for his work, 21 albums in total were designed by Storm for Pink Floyd. In addition to that there are many more works that were included with some of the albums which showcased many more works of a similar nature on the back of the album sleeve and on the inner sleeve. 

Back in the day before music was able to be streamed over the internet and even before CD's... Albums were produced on black vinyl and came, predominanly, in two sizes; Singles (for a single song on each side and LP, Long Play, for a collection of songs distributed over two sides. LP's were large in size and therefore required a large surface area where photographs and art work could be better suited. Pink Floyd made the most of this. Using gatefolded covers and inner sleeves to show off Storm's photographic artwork. 

Storm passed away in April 2013 having battled with cancer for several years. He leaves behind a treasure trove legacy of some superb contemporary photography, much of it iconic. Not just for Pink Floyd, but to so many of his other clients.

I've included a selection of these in the Gallery available from this page.


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