Hidden Images

One of the reasons that this painting is so absorbing to so many people, may have something to do with the added dimension of the hidden images that are woven into the explicit images that we overtly see.


In this section I will include only those that I have found and are, on the belance or probability, the image that I have identified.


There are many... Harlequins, Political Fugures, Symbols etc... I've listed all that I could find...maybe you can find others.


That said... It's also evident, having done some research on this particular subject matter, other people have claimed that they have found 'hidden' images too that I think are not so. Simply just because something looks like it might be hidden may not be so and may therefore just be a coincidence given the 'free flow' style that Picasso used to paint this picture and the number of shapes and lines that overlap and cross sect each other. The potential for finding something is therefore enormous.


That doesn't mean that they are not, in fact, hidden images, we can never really know for sure... My view is not authoratative, of course. 

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