Based in St Albans, Herts, I am, mainly, a self taught artist.


I'm a project manager as a profession, which I also enjoy and like to develop creatively. My project management skills have also given me the wonderful opportunity and privilege to lecture on the subject at the City University. Which, though in the same professional sphere, the disciplines are completely different.


The divergence into art is a great diversity and a welcome change from the largely methodical and structured environment that comes with the day job.


I like to vary the media on which I produce my work which ususually introduces me to new styles, new approaches and completely different results. The adage: "Change is as good as a rest" applies.


I have been dabling in art from childhood up to the recent years. Nothing of particular note produced throughout that time. But in recent years I found some confidence and the inspiration to start anew. In August 2014 then, I produced my first proper work, an oil on board portrait of my Dad from an old passport photo. The results were much better than I had expected so continued. The oils you see here were all produced since then.


I switched to drawings as a change. The early efforts didn't really cut it, but later ones were better, which is why you are only seeing a limited number of works here. I carried on and adapted my mediums to include charcoal which accelerated my learning and quality of output.


Watercolour followed that because I wanted to find ways to get a better effect. So the monchome series came into being. I really enjoyed doing these much more than I thought I would. Monochome seems to avoid the distraction of colour both for me and as the viewer (just as black and white photography has that quality over colour pictures in some cases). Colour watercolour followed as a trial. The first effort was just not good enough (but which I may have another go at) but the rest are included here.


I've had the privildege and prestige of being commissioned for paid work across all mediums (except drawing) which I am happy to do, time permitting.


What's next? I'm not sure...but getting back to oils and into impressionism really is looking attractive. I have ideas for landscapes, portraits, still life and iconic subject matter. Watch this space... Not sure when but hopefully soon.

If you are considering any commissioned work, feel free to contact me in the contacts page on this site or just reach out to me on the number below. I'd be more than happy to discuss your requirements, timescales etc.

Please call us on +44 07901 711115+44 07901 711115 or use the contact form.

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© Marian Wancio Art